Imagine that Bob Fass of WBAI is actually upset re the death of Larry Davis. Larry Davis was a 2 bit murderer whose sole claim to fame was murdering other Blacks as well as shooting police. Davis who hated all whites had actually affiliated with the Jew-Hating and white-hating Nation of Islam Farrakhan’s Jew-hating group as was announced by Farrakhans representatives at a rally in demanding freedom for Larry Davis. Make no mistake that Fass and the WBAI crowd are all upset that Larry Davis is dead. Now isn’t that interesting that Fass never cried out once for justice when there was a Pogrom in Crown Heights and Yankel Rosenbaum a Jew cut up like a salami by mobs of Jew-Hating rioters screaming "kill the Jews!" He said nothing to help numerous Jews beaten bloody by mobs of anti-semitic rioters in a pogrom that lasted 3 weeks! In fact soem of the shows on WBAI actually supported the riot against Jews!

The Kunstler worshipping crowd was symathetic to the anti-Jewish rioters as Kunstler a big hero of the WBAI types wrote an anti-semitic poem in the Amsterdam News (Sonnets by Willam K) saying that Yankel Rosenbaum "and the other chosen ones got what they deserved in the streets of Crown Heights."

Even more despicable is how Fass when told of how Jewish miltiants were physically breaking up neo-nazi rallies said he was against that as he was a pacifist. Yet this same hypocrtite will glamorize a mass murderer like Larry Davis and others. It speaks reams about those Jews around the WBAI scene and their utter self-hatred. Well, we suggest that Fass truly saddened by Larry Davis death should put together a Minyan a Jewish prayer quorum of 10 Jewish men and say Kaddish the "Jewish Prayer for the Dead", and mourn their butcher Davis not being around anymore. Well we at JDO will say "Amen" to this vicious murderers death, as this cop shooting thug and low life murderer won’t be around to murder more innocent people. To that JDO repeats with utmost sincerity "Amen", and good riddance to blood thirsty rubbish!

The sick left worship of cop killers and criminals who preyed on other members of the Black community surfaced in Bob Fass's relationship with Larry Davis and his family. You can read about it by clicking HERE. This researcher, having obtained a copy of Fass's email list from an email Fass sent to him, spoofed Fass's name and sent out the following email: "You are invited to in Staten Island on Monday February 25 at 12:00 PM where myself and Lynne Stewart will be sitting shiva for the late Larry Davis. Light refreshments will be served. RSVP." Guess what? Several people actually believed Fass would stoop so low as to mourn the death of a man who killed policeman and members of the Black community during his career as a rip-off artist. I received the following emails in response to my operation, "That's lovely. I'm glad you're doing this. I wish I could attend, but cannot. Thank you so much for the invitation. All blessings to you and yours, Barrie PERSONAL & CONFIDENTIAL, DO NOT FORWARD, SHARE, PRINT, DISTRIBUTE, ETC. Tel. 212-662-2439 Faculty Member, Lang College, since 1988 Faculty Member, New School, since 1982 Faculty Member, various NYC colleges & universities, since 1970 artist, independent scholar, educator" and "Bob, I am up in the Catskills thru Tuesday so can not attend. That is a really lovely gesture and I thought the NYTimes article was important, but your letter to the editor was even better." Fass has gone ballistic and has threatend to get the remaining criminal members of Davis's family to attack AJ Weberman. Fass does not have the courage to do it himself, despite the fact that he is much bigger than I am!