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Sorry, but there is no Jewish Mafia and there is no worldwide "Zionist
conspiracy". This website was posted to entertain the owner, to annoy
anyone who believes that the Jewish people are intent on ruling the
world --- and to aggravate those MOTs (Members of the Tribe) completely
lacking a sense of humor.
Two Jewish guys are sitting on a park bench, one is reading The Jewish
Daily Forward in Yiddish, the other one is reading the the Hamas house
paper, Al-Quds. The Jew reading The Forward looks worried, the Jew reading Al-Quds is smiling all the time. The Forward reader says: "How can you read that anti-semitic trash, and why are you smiling?" The Al-Quds reader says: "You don't understand. If you read a Jewish paper, all you read is that the world is against the Jews, Israel is in trouble, Nazi and Arab terrorist groups are growing, Iran will soon have the atomic bomb, the American government is pressuring us to give up half of Israel to the terrorists. But...when I read Al-Quds, I read that there's a worldwide Jewish Mafia, that the Jews own the world, we have all the power, we run all the banks, all the political parties, all the big companies. After reading Al_Quds, I always feel a lot better."